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Academic Excellence

Overall, Loudoun County Public Schools provides excellent educational opportunities. However, certain subgroups of students are left behind, such as Title I schools. Through the opening of the new Park View high school we have the opportunity to address that discrepancy in education and expand efforts to bring all of our students to a higher level of success.

Preparing Our Graduates

Our Loudoun schools must ultimately prepare students for life after high school. Expanding of vocational programs, certificates, and work-based learning in our Sterling schools will create career opportunities immediately after graduation.

Fiscal Transparency

LCPS spends $2 billion annually, with a historic high of more than $20,000 spent per student, yet test scores continue to fall. Our school board needs to prioritize funding of basic educational needs of all students. If elected, I hope to expand services and resources available to our children in Sterling so they receive the quality education they deserve.

Student and School Safety

Last year everyone in Sterling was shocked by the number of overdoses in our schools. Although progress has been made, our cooperative efforts must continue to ensure schools are a safe, welcoming environment for all students, teachers and staff.

Title IX Protection

I believe Title IX should be restored to its original purpose and girls spaces should be protected. We need to respect the inherent difference between girls and boys and restore separate spaces and sports.

Parents' Rights

A lot of LCPS money and staff resources are spent on public relations instead of actual transparent communication between families and schools. It took the media and the Governors executive order to force LCPS to admit how prevalent fentanyl is in our schools. We cannot continue a culture of hiding information from parents.

150 S. Sterling Blvd., #194
Sterling, VA 20167

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